l MusicShow Case IL - » “MISDARON” – short film + live soundtrack by SHUZIN & GUY NACHUM LEVY

“MISDARON” – short film + live soundtrack by SHUZIN & GUY NACHUM LEVY

“MISDARON” – short film + live soundtrack by SHUZIN & GUY NACHUM LEVY

Shuzin is the brains behind the music department of “Ghostown”, a crafty producer and a shapeshifting musician
who stands behind numerous acts – Geshem, Uzi Navon 3421, Smellfish, Trilion and playDead.
In 2016 Shuzin released a darkcreation named “MAKOT” –
a concept album presenting the ten plagues of Egypt in the form of heavy,sinister beats.
In 2020 the album returns in its LIVE adaptation.
Shuzin himself featuring a wall of synthesisers, backed bytwo of the most talented drummers in the country Yonadav Halevy (right) – the brain behind The Apples, and Ofer Bymel (left) – a versatile drummer who’s also a
founding member of the bands Water Knives, Rowch, EFT, Pelephone Anak,Mayonesa and Shpeck

Band Members
  • keyboards and elctronics
  • Drums
    Yonadav Halevy